Mironov Aleksandr Apps

Изучаем английский 4.1.1
Приложение предназначено для всех, кто хочетулучшить свое знание английского языка.Приложение можно также использовать в путешествиях и поездках вкачестве англо-русского разговорника.Здесь вы найдете списки наиболее важных английских слов ивыражений, которые сопровождаются транскрипцией, переводом иинтерактивными упражнениями:- Карточки (флеш-карты) помогут как в изучении новых слов, так и взакреплении уже пройденных- Тесты с моментальной проверкой ответов позволят оценить,насколько хорошо вы изучили данную тему.The application isdesigned for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge ofEnglish.The app can also be used in the travel and trips as theAnglo-Russian phrasebook.Here you will find lists of the most important English words andexpressions, which are accompanied by transcription, translation,and interactive exercises:- Cards (flash cards) will help in the learning of new words, andto consolidate the already passed- Tests with instant verification of answers will assess how wellyou have studied this topic.
Japanese characters (PLUS) 9.5.1
Learn Japanese characters in exercises (PLUS version)
Japanese characters 10.2.0
Learn Japanese characters in exercises!
French for Everyone 3.4.6
Learn French with tests and exercises!
История России 5.9.6
Educational application for studying the history of Russia.
Learn English 3.4.6
Learn English with tests and exercises!
История России 5.9.6
Educational application for studying the history of Russia.
Your German Phrasebook 3.5.5
Useful German phrasebook and efficient vocabulary builder!
Italian Travel Phrasebook 3.5.5
Useful Italian phrasebook and efficient vocabulary builder!
Your French Phrasebook 3.5.5
Useful French phrasebook and efficient vocabulary builder!
Spanish Travel Phrasebook 3.5.6
Useful Spanish phrasebook and efficient vocabulary builder!
Learn Russian 3.4.6
Learn Russian with tests and exercises!